About SciPoP
Why do we
need more emailers?!
It’s not easy being a teacher. Managing students, handling administration, marking work, planning lessons and organising events often means we get little time to catch up on current science and educational trends. That’s where Sci PoP (Science Pieces on Practices) comes in.
Sci PoP aims to curate the best ideas in science education and present them to teachers in an easy-to-consume form– just like popcorn! Ideas not just from CPDD, but also from our fellow teachers, thinkers from Universities, and experts in science education research will be posted up on our newsletter.
A selection of the best articles will be sent straight to the emails of Singapore school teachers three times every year. However, if you want to keep up to date, you can also subscribe to our webpage!
Our Editorial Team
A Biology officer whose eyes you can barely see when he smiles…...if he smiles….
email: dominic_heng@moe.gov.sg
A Chemistry officer, who is not entirely barking mad yet.
email: clarissa_ng@moe.gov.sg
A Physics officer who sometimes likes staring at random corners of pictures.
email: yang_yarong@moe.gov.sg
Contact Us!
Got great ideas you would like to write an article about? Contact us using this form. You can also send us suggestions for improvement or volunteer to join us!