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Measurement Uncertainty

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

Photo by William Warby under the Creative Commons License

Many students (and let us confess, teachers as well!) get frustrated and confused by seemingly inconsistent d.p./s.f. rules for recording and evaluating experimental results. When we seek clarity in these rules, we usually get the response that "the rule in general is.... however, it depends on the context.", which may be seen as a non-answer!

In an effort to clarify what these "contexts" are, CPDD has produced a series of two videos which we hope will clear up any doubts. You can download the videos from the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) here and here by:

  1. Logging into VLE when the window opens

  2. Copy and pasting the displayed URL into your browser address bar. The download will then begin

The lesson package with these videos will be launched soon--and we will update the information here!

If you wish to assign the videos in a lesson package for your student, this attached video will show you how to search for the videos in VLE and add them!

Let us know if you have any queries!



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