How do chemists identify the molecules that give foods their flavor?
Did you know that our sense of taste and smell being related actually helps us interpret the chemical world? Though they are separate...
Did you know that our sense of taste and smell being related actually helps us interpret the chemical world? Though they are separate...
Science projects and investigations are useful opportunities for students to engage in scientific inquiry. Depending on the learning...
Thought human beings are the only ones who can do arithmetic? Think again. A recent study published in Science Advances shows that bees...
Science education cannot be the mere acquisition of a body of content knowledge per se but should instead proactively engage students to...
This self-aware video has attracted interesting comments also regarding Steve Mould's ability to find awesome physics in everyday life......
We had another great round of sharing under IPSG to kick off the year, this time at the beautiful campus of Temasek Junior College....
This is a fascinating example of the beautiful mathematics buried in simple physical theories.
You may have probably heard of CRISPR/Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/Caspase 9) which is a genetic...
"Phosphorus: 350 years after its discovery, this vital element is running out" Phosphorus was accidentally discovered by a German...
Christmas is coming, but aren't we all bored of the usual Christmas tree that we see every year? How about trying something new this year...
Fellow teachers, do you yearn to try new things in your classroom in 2019? I would like to recommend you an inquiry and investigation...
Many students (and let us confess, teachers as well!) get frustrated and confused by seemingly inconsistent d.p./s.f. rules for recording...
In this issue, we will look at how the Benzene Ring Heuristic (BRH) can be used as a pedagogical tool for communicating practices of...
I would like to thank Mr Poh Wei Leong for his contribution to some of the resource ideas in this article. Educators have practiced using...
The SI Unit Change Based on the 2018 Physics IPSGX Keynote Sharing by Dr Thomas Liew at Eunoia JC. How do we measure? Most of us take...