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The race for Iodine

Image obtained from Encyclopedia Britannica

" Many people take part in a discovery, sometimes working together, sometimes competing against each other. Sometimes, the world outside the lab plays a big part in shaping what scientists do. While the path is seldom straight, the road to discovery is almost always an exciting one. "

Is it true that there is often one "right" answer in science? Yes and no - until proven wrong.

Here's a story on how an advancement in science - the discovery of Iodine was made possible by the competition between two chemical pioneers, Davy and Gay-Lussac. It relates how scientists build on one another's work, either proving them right or wrong with new evidence, and how certain things come to be known as what we learn today in Chemistry. In this case, they solved the puzzle of iodine - that it is a new (then) element called iodine instead of a chlorine compound.

You may read more about the it here.



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