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Science in career contexts

Hello educators! On top of the excitement and anticipation of the impending A level results release this Friday, there is probably one last aspect of guidance that you might need to see this batch of students through - educational career guidance i.e. asking a series of questions to help them gain clarity, providing further advice for their university choice of study etc. All of which might have been underway since the time you got to know them.

As science educators, we can give more attention to how we can incorporate some of such career-related ideas into our lessons with our students. These links should be made explicit to the topics/ideas we are trying to show relevance to.

Here are some articles to trigger your thoughts on how some relevant career contexts can be embedded in the teaching and learning of concepts in Chemistry.

Feel free to modify them such as injecting your personal experiences and encounters, stories from friends and get the idea. Relevance is key here.


Despite the many subject choices available for our students, why should they study Chemistry at the Pre-U level?

Let us know what you think!



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